Kunstpodden – Nære omgivelser

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Kunstpodden - Nære omgivelser Podcast (Norwegian)Listen here:Kunstpodden, Spotify, Apple PodcastFeLT project leader Kristin Bergaust visited the podcast Kunstpodden to record the episode Nære omgivelser (close surroundings). In the episode Bergaust talks about how we can understand and interpret the works of the artists Hans Kristian Borchgrevink…

Beyond Human Perception

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FeLT postdoc María Castellanos & Alberto Valverde's video installation Beyond Human Perception could be exhibited somewhere close to you. Right now it is a part of the group exhibition Earthbound - In Dialogue with Nature in Luxembourg, as well as the group exhibition Sustainability outside of…

ISEA22 – 27th International Symposium on Electronic Art

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Other Intelligences. Plant-Human Interspecies DialoguesArtist talkVenueMACBA - Convent dels ÀngelsDateJune 12th ArtistsFeLT postdoc MARÍA CASTELLANOSFeLT - Futures of Living TechnologiesInstitutional presentationVenueCCCBDateJune 13thPresenterFeLT project leader KRISTIN BERGAUSTOur FeLT Project Leader Kristin Bergaust and FeLT Postdoc María Castellanos will be participating in the upcoming 27th International Symposium on…

Meta.Morf 2022 – Ecophilia

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Ecophilia ExhibitionVenueK-U-K Kjøpmannsgata Ung KunstDateMay 6th - August 14thOPENING: May 6th 18:00 - 20:00 CETArtistsMARÍA CASTELLANOS & ALBERTO VALVERDE / FRANK EKEBERG / ANNIE HÄGG / MAREN DAGNY JUELL / MARIUS PRESTERUD / JATUN RISBAFacebook eventEvent websiteInvestigating the Futures of Living TechnologiesConference / Artists Conversation…

Oslofjord Ecologies

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Oslofjord Ecologies boklanseringBidrag fra Siri Austeen, Kristin Bergaust, Boel Christensen-Scheel, Cathrine Constanse Gjelsnes, Tona Gulpinar, Anneke von der Fehr, Alexis Parra Pucho, Sabine Popp, Elin T. Sørensen, Cecilie Sachs Olsen, Mads Pålsrud, Eli Rinde, Gunhild Vatn, Nina Vestby Neue Kafé Barbara v/Gunnhild BakkeVenueGalleri 69, Grünerløkka…

METABOLOME Presentation

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3RD FeLT WORKSHOP SEMINAR 2022METABOLOMEHege TapioVenuePilestredet 35, room pi460 + zoomDateApril 29th at 11:15 CETRead the full program hereIn the third FeLT Workshop Seminar of the year, FeLT PhD Hege Tapio will give a midterm presentation of her PhD project METABOLOME. We will be joined…

NORA 2022

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NORA Annual Conference 2022Norwegian Artificial Intelligence Research Consortium  VenueRadisson Atlantic Hotel, Stavanger (NO)DateJune 9th - 10thRegistration deadline May 25thFeLT Member Stefano Nichele will join the Norwegian Artificial Intelligence Research Consortium – NORA Annual Conference 2022 as one a member in the conference program commitee. Stefano and the…

Twilight Apparatus

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Twilight ApparatusMikkel WettreVenuePilestredet Park 33, 1st floor boardroom + zoomDateMarch 18th at 11:15 CETRead the full program hereAs part of the second FeLT Workshop Seminar of the year FeLT member Mikkel Wettre will present his work in the presentation Twilight Apparatus.The presentation will be about…