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Transition – Design – Education

Transition – Design – Education 
Muni Arts Conference

Prostor39, Prague

May 6th – May 7th 2022

Event website
Illustration by Veronyka Jelinek

Our resident research fellow Veronika Sellner is a co-organizer of the upcoming conference Transition – Design – Education.

The conference will take place in Prague on the 6th and 7th of May, and is themed around transition design. It focuses on complex issues of today’s and tomorrow’s world such as climate change, migration and social inequalities.

There will be a mix of both formal and informal discussions, as well as practical workshops. 

Exerpt from the official abstracts booklet

“Climate change, widening gap between rich and poor, ageing population, planet devastation.
How can we as designers think about the future socio-technological arrangements? And how do we embrace designing outside of the flawed system? The first day will be dedicated to presentations and formal and informal discussions. It will be followed by practical workshops on the second day.

Transition Design is a new design approach that incorporates insights from service design or design for social innovation into its theory and practice and seeks to enrich it with a longer-term perspective and design reflexivity. According to one of the founders of the concept, Terry Irwin, we are living in “transition times”, where today, in the face of climate change, poverty, planetary devastation or an ageing population, we have to come up with new solutions that are not bound by the ideology and discursivity of existing socio-economic systems.”


Learn more about Veronika Sellner