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The Plants Sense at RIXC Art and Science Festival

RIXC Art Science Festival 2021: PostSENSORIUM

National Library, Riga

September 23th – November 12th 2021

The Plants Sense [Alive Installation, 2018]

On September 23rd FeLT PostDoc Maria Castellanos live installation, in co-production with Alberto Valverve, The Plants Sense, was presented as part of the opening of the RIXC Art Science Festival 2021: PostSENSORIUM. We are proud to share some visuals from the opening of the festival.

To the audience interested in seeing The Plants Sense for themselves, the work will be exhibited at Riga’s National Library as part of the RIXC Art Science Festival 2021: PostSENSORIUM from September 23rd until November 12th.