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Eco-Environmental Data as an Artistic Methodology

Professor and artist Esther Pizarro is visiting OsloMet in the framework of an Erasmus + mobility program. She will hold a lecture titled “Eco-Environmental Data as an Artistic Methodology” on the of April 20 from 12.30 to 13.30 at Pilestredet 32, Andrea Arntzens hus: N010.023, Lille Auditorium. The lecture is open to the public and is accessible through the ground floor entrance.

Esther Pizarro Studio focuses on artistic projects that combine art, science and technology. The duo Esther Pizarro (visual artist, researcher and professor at the European University of Madrid) and Markus Schroll (visual artist, photographer and creative technologist) have both worked collaboratively since 2009.

Their work explore the complexity of contemporary society in the context of the ongoing environmental crisis. Relying on science, the evidence of data and the use of technology, their installations seek to activate consciences, and questions to alert the viewer to issues that affect us all. Mobility, globalization, polycentric urban systems, data visualization, climate change and environmental emergencies are some of the themes addressed. The most recent projects have focused on highlighting situations of environmental crisis in our environment, based on the evidence of scientific data: spatial pollution, forest fires and planetary connectivity. By creating three-dimensional installations, new technologies allow the viewer to interact with the work; digital fabrication, together with manual methods, explores new aesthetic solutions; and light, audio and image combine to create an immersive experiential space.

April 20th 2023
12:30 – 13:30

Oslo Metropolitan University
Pilestredet 32
0130 Oslo

Lille Auditorium, Floor 1


Open public lecture.